Sim2-OoZooN-Image-dm800-20160117-#84d-FE-Jasper-20160123 changes: FE added a modified FlashExpander which is deleting directories in /usr to get more free Flash memory Sim2 SSL84d Enigma2: 2015-12-30-tarball ################################################## ####################################### Webinterface is working. Teletext is working. ################################################## ####################################### No WLAN driver included (this is a feature of OoZooN image): 1.Open a Telnet session to install or use Blue/Software Management/Manage Extensions/Network/ to install: opkg install enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-wirelesslan 2.Open a FTP session and exchange the /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/SystemPlugins/WirelessLan with a patched one Gizlenmiş İçerikGörmek İçin Foruma Giriş Yapınız. ! reboot ######################################################################################### Extend your Flash memory to an USB memory stick: 1. add an empty USB memory stick to your box (be aware the content will be deleted) 2. prepare your USB memory stick for FlashExpander Menu Setup System Storage device choose your USB memory stick which you want to use for FlashExpander (be aware the content will be deleted) Red Button: Initialize after the USB memory stick is formatted do not mount it 3. Reboot your box (this is important also if you just use an already ext3 formatted USB memory stick without initialize) 4. Extend your Flash memory using FlashExpander Blue Button Start Flashexpander choose your USB memory device and start the copy process (this takes a few minutes) a message will appear to restart the box 5. check if FlashExpander is working Blue Button Start Flashexpander 6. now you should have plenty of free Flash memory New installed Plugins will be installed on extended Flash on USB ########################################################################################### Download: 2016-01-23 Gizlenmiş İçerikGörmek İçin Foruma Giriş Yapınız. !