openspa-6.0-vusolo-20160831 What is new - New brand with OpenSPA support : Mut@nt - New support for ******** F4 - New drivers for VU+ Solo 4K and Edision OS Mini - Fix Movistar+ EPG 7 days - Spazemenu changes : Significant improvement in horizontal spazemenu performance. Possibility to use your own icons in submenus and with your prefered dimension (ask in forum if you are interested in this feature) Choice between horizontal OpenSPA menu and enigma2 OpenSPA menu - Improvements in password changer plugin - Improvement in manual channels searching (you can search various transponders without exit to main TV screen). -New features in spaMetrixJR. Added new infobar and channelselection for zzpicons (picons 420x240) - New OpenSPA zzpicons (available to download from SPA Panel) - Fixes in skin confluence (FlashOnline, CutListEditor, etc.) - Fixes for RTL28xxU in kernel 4.0.1 (Zgemma, Gigablue, ********, Mutant) User : root Pass : openspa Gizlenmiş İçerikGörmek İçin Foruma Giriş Yapınız. !