Dream-Elite 6.0 is now ready for public tests It is based on DreamOS OE2.5 !! Image is experimental !!! Please flash new !!! This is only for DM520 / DM525, DM820, DM7080 and DM900HD Greetings Dream-Elite Team All content inside our Image is owned by Dream-Elite. If someone copy, or use is or modify it without permissions will be brought to court !! Changelog: - new image for dm900 - new design (skin DE FHD) - new Extra-InfoBar - new Addon-Server - updated DE-EPG - updated DE-Manager - speed increasement - better boot speed - adapted on latest OE from DMM - update qt4 to qt5 - now Bash as Standard-Shell - Implement a "async uri resolving" proxy service technology called "eServiceUri/eUriResolver" - Improve color display blit performance on arm by factor 25 - Fix crashes when streaming services with SDT data - Rework default configuration generation - more to come with upcoming updates Discover the next step of innovation Thanks to Dream-Elite Staff Special Thanks to ferrari3005 If you have some issues on testing DE6.0 please post here using following 1.) which Box 2.) which Image (you can see in menu - information - about us) 3.) exact description of issue (needed to reproduce issue) 4.) if you have any solution please attach patch or diff or modified *.py Gizlenmiş İçerikGörmek İçin Foruma Giriş Yapınız. !