[h=2]D.M.S Image v4.7[/h]D.M.S-Img-dm7020hd-v4.7 D.M.S-image-dm7020hd-OE2-v4.7.nfi Date: 2016-03-02 09:13 Enigma2: 3.999git20151231-r12.1 Distro: opendreambox 2.0.0 Machine: Dreambox dm7020hd Link: Gizlenmiş İçerikGörmek İçin Foruma Giriş Yapınız. ! MD5: 40e9aad26130401063312a4e491bada0 SHA256: 6cf3a2115570f5d45d1a9f2519abc0cf2901f1ad291e7f58c2 bfcfffec7ffbf4 Genuine image with the Last CVS Creatori immagini °°ANTR@G°° ----------------------- Sviluppatore del blue panel asanovich -------------------- Beta tester °°ANTR@G°° tonino1956 Skin Default Dreamy ------------------------------------- many new updates Enigma2 ------------------------------------- potete scaricare i picon by mmark dal pannello demonisat ---------------------------------------------------------- New Memory Info Thanks m43c0 New DynDNS Thanks m43c0 [B]Aggiunto OpenVPN Thanks m43c0[/B] [COLOR=Red][B]You can download picon by mmark panel demonisat[/B][/COLOR][B] [COLOR=Red][B]New bootlogo demonisat[/B][/COLOR][B] [COLOR=Red][B]---------------------------------------------[/B][/COLOR][B] [COLOR=Red][B]queste images contengono solo 3 lingue Italiano, inglese,Tedesco [COLOR=Red]potete scaricare la vostra lingua preferita dal pannello demonisat[/COLOR] [B]if you want to download other plugins go menu / plugin Manage extensions -------------------------------------------------------------------- these images contain only 3 languages Italian English Deutsch [/B][/B][/COLOR][B][B] [COLOR=Red][B]you can download your preferred language from the panel demonisat[/B][/COLOR][B] [COLOR=Red][B]Added language Brazilian downloaded from the panel demonisat[/B][/COLOR][B] [B][COLOR=Magenta]---===ooo0ooo===---[/COLOR] [B]Raccomandiamo di non fare aggiornamento software possibilmente mettere immagine in flash si ringrazia gli autori dei vari plugin skin patch etc etc ------------------------------------------------------------ We recommend not to do software update possibly to put image in flash we thank the authors of the various plugins skin patches etc etc ---------------------------------- [B]New Blue Panel demonisat You'll find everything you need for the operation of the image [B][B][COLOR=Red]to download from the panel demonisat put the DHCP automatically[/COLOR] [B]About to more than one satellite is set to [B][B]expert enable multiple bouquets [B]menu, settings, system, customize set of expert [COLOR=Red][B]Per poter scaricare dal pannello demonisat dovete mettere il DHCP in Auto !! impostare su esperto é abilitare multiple bouquet menu,impostazioni,sistema,personalizzare impostare su esperto [/B][/COLOR][B] [B]thanks to the authors of the various skin patch plugins etc [B]etc !! [/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B] Gizlenmiş İçerikGörmek İçin Foruma Giriş Yapınız. ! Gizlenmiş İçerikGörmek İçin Foruma Giriş Yapınız. !