BlackHole-3.0.2B-OE2.0-dm800-ssl84d BlackHole-3.0.2B-OE2.0_dm800_SIM2_SSL84D_Marwen-06-06-2016 Sim2 Changes compared to previous release: - New gstreamer recipes based on christophecvr's github (small changes for PLi4) - Upgrade glib2.0 and some other components like gobject-introspection to satisfy the new gstreamer recipes - gstreamer1.0-libav is built using it's minimal libav with only support for wma (thank you chris) - Full ffmpeg 3.0.1 package is in the feeds for use with IPTV Player's exteplayer3 (thx to Taapat for the original bbappend) Login with telnet and issue: opkg update && opkg install ffmpeg - Latest openpli-oe-core changes - Latest enigma2 changes Note: servicemp3 still uses gstreamer *Skin_default_ Darkstar_blue *ADD Blackhole font size settings *ADD IPK uninstall *better picon managment *ADD Buffer indicator to Skin_default.xml *Skin_display.xml patched to add better StandbySummary *ADD BlackholeAddons V1.6 Kod: Gizlenmiş İçerikGörmek İçin Foruma Giriş Yapınız. !